Montreal Planning Meeting
On Saturday, April 13th, WFWP Canada President Lilly Tadin, and WFWP Canada Treasurer Blandine Stringer braved the aftermath of an ice storm in Ontario to travel to Montreal, Quebec for an afternoon gathering of fourteen WFWP members and supporters.
The Participants had a great experience discussing, brainstorming and planning activities for WFWP chapter in Montreal.
President, Lilly Tadin gave words of encouragement about the importance of the work of WFWP, particularly the Global Women’s Peace Network, and the seriousness of our Founder and her vision and goals in the upcoming years.
Treasurer, Blandine Stringer explained the need for bylaws in a Not-for Profit organization and the transition process to comply with the new government Not-for-Profit Act. Blandine’s goal is for members to approve the bylaws at the January 2014 AGM.
Thank you to WFWP of Montreal and their strong desire to work together to build a strong community.