Her Story – Toronto WFWP

May 25,  2013 Toronto Chapter hosted “Her Story”

This is the story of the women who have moved “His-Story” forward:

“History, has been the record of his-story, even though more than half of humanity consists of women, her-story was omitted. Many of her stories and her valuable contributions have been left out of historical records; however we women must work towards making human history complete in the 21St century by putting the stories of women on record, along with the stories of men.

By Her-Story we don’t mean to strive for an exclusive female story to be created in competition with men, but rather strive for the whole story of humanity, where the respective contributions of both men and women, compliment each other. Her-Story presentation gives you a wonderful untold perspective on how women were able to shape the history of humanity and bring positive changes intothe World.”


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