In Review: The WFWP planning retreat
On January 19, 2013 members of the WFWP Canada met in Cobourg, Ontario to discussion their vision for the year. Nine members were able to attend, with two participating via conference call for the final session. We thank all members who were able to participate. We hope that the coming year will be fruitful…if you were not able to attend…your thoughts and ideas are always important to us…please join our converstations by adding to the comment section at the end of this post.
The board presented the question: Who Are We? Where Are We Going?
The members present were inspired to think of the direction in which they would like to see our organization go this year. A speech from our founder, Mrs. Hak Ja Han was read. In her speech, she expressed the extreme value of women…that they are truely the jewels of God.
NEED MORE “DEEDS”. In a determination to become those “jewels”…the members expressed a desire to “serve” the community more…to not just have conferences…but to be the ones who could reach out with a heart of a mother to our communities…
TO SERVE WITH LOVE. was the motto suggested by Lilly Tadin, President, WFWP Canada. All members present agreed that the motto was fitting for the year ahead.
OUTREACH. Eveline Stewart suggested creation of material to be given to sisters…to help in reaching out to their community…Eveline expressed her interest in heading a commitie to make an outreach package. Angela Fortaine volunteered to assist in this area…if others are interested in helping, please contact Eveline Stewart.
LEARN. The members present suggested partnering with existing organizations. Through partnering, we could help the community, make friends with a broader base of community leaders and learn valuable skills to further the development of our own organization.
BETTER COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Various ways were disscussed and will continue to be discussed by the Board. Ideas presented were: inspirational weekly quotes, a “sharing page” to share what has worked in various chapters, a Facebook Page, better membership records, and the National Office or National Board visiting chapters across the nation on a yearly basis.
The next session was the Budget and Website. Blandine Stringer, treasurer of WFWP Canada, presented the two ways in which money can be raised for our organization.
GRANTS: Blandine suggested a committee be formed to research grants and how to access funds. Most Granting Agencies offer grants for projects and not for operating expenses. If local chapters are planning specific projects, then funding could be requested. If you are interested in contributing to research in this area, please contact Blandine Stringer.
each chapter has done activities and will continue to improve
to help develop local activities, chapter fundraiser funds will stay within the chapter.
membership fees go to national (discussion will be continued on this topic by the board).
WEBSITE: at this time the members present decided to invest in the current WFWP Canada Website. The website is incomplete and needs chapter input. It was asked that each chapter find a representative to be the “communication link” to the main blogger at the national office. The main blogger then will be responsible to input that information. It was determined that this appoarch will be done for one year. If it is unsuccessful, a professional company will be contacted (if funding allows).
TRANSITION PROCESS to compy with the new Not-for-Profit Act. A draft Bylaws has been distributed; members in attendance were encouraged to read the proposed Bylaws and send questions and comments to Blandine at Lilly and Blandine are planning to visit the Montreal and Vancouver sisters to promote the discussion on the Bylaws. The transition to the new requirements must completed by October 2014.
Which direction do you wish to see WFWP Canada going? We would like to hear from you. Please leave your comments